Monday, February 17, 2014

A new routine....

Wow.  I forgot how tiring it can be to work outside of the home.  A good tired.  I love the job.  And the pay is increadible.  And its only 20 hours a week so really not so bad.  Allows me to continue the lifestyle here at home just with a bit more balance and not fly by the seat of my pants im used to.  The weekend was good...a bit lazy though.  Friday found us spending valentines day with the best valentine we have been gifted thus far...Firefly!  Then we headed home and cuddled and watched some of our favorite shows.  Larry surprised me with a bracelet to add to my beginning and every desiring collection of Alex and Ani...the leaf bangle which I am ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH!!  He is so amazing.  Saturday was spent mostly running errands and a home day.  Sunday was intented to be spent at church...obviously onced again Larry had other plans.  He had found a vintage 1940s gas stove that is the perfect size for the cabin.  So we set off early to retrieve it.  For an absolutely amazing low price.  Great condition.  With that in storage we decided to go and meander the flea markets in Mercersburg.  Home with some goodies for us and the girls we crashed early.  Rose early this am to run before heading to a full day at work.  Home waiting on Katie and James to get here for a visit before the go to the theatre.  Calling it an early night after the barn chores for sure!  Here is a pic of the exact make and model of the stove we purchased.
Be well,

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