Sunday, January 12, 2014

Weekend musings...

It was a fantastic weekend.  Stared on Thursday here.  Lunch with my girls!  I do love them so very very much.  Friday was a day long overdue.  A day trip with Tess.  Its scarry the connection we have sometimes.  Found some great deals at some thrift and antique stores.  Lunch was interesting as always...the conversations!!  The weather had started out pretty bad but by the end of the day was fairly cleared.  Saturday we woke to some pretty heavy rains and very heavy fog.  Onced Larry was home from work we set out to run some errands and decided quickly to go and look at a particular piece of land.  A quick stop first at James and Katies to drop off some birthday presents for him and thrift finds for her then another quickie to see Firefly and her mommy and daddy and drop off some things for them.  Then to the land...ugh! We found the one a few weeks ago...but we just wanted to be sure we were following Yaweh and not ourselves in this search.  So we decided to look at this new piece the realtor had sent us.  Yep...the one we had originally settled on is the right one for sure.  This piece we went to see was an absolutely beautiful piece of wv land.  Rolling pastures...eight acres!  The price is right for certain..but there are these HUGE and I do mean HUGE electric towers on the property.  They were just buzzing and snapping everywhere!  Made me sick!!  I tried really I did I tried to like it and overlook them.  I just couldnt.  So after talking and praying we are pretty settled on the other piece we originally had chosen.  Home and settled in for the evening on Saturday we retired early.  Sunday we made our way to church.  Never disappointed there!  Home and worked on some laundry and packed up more boxes of things we wanted to put into storage.  It feels like things are moving so fast and yet so slow.  We are seriously on such bare bones here in this little house and sometimes I feel like a stranger in it.  I know though that we will be glad we did all of this work before we actually sale and have to move.  The transition will be so much easier.  We made dinner together and then spent the evening reading magazines and talking and planning.  Today was the media fast for us.  Thinking this is something we will do weekly.  Ready to settle into another adventurous week ahead.
Be well,

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